Hi! I'm

I love programming, blockchain technology, and cats! I'm currently looking to work in the web3 industry. Let's make a change in the world together!

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About me


Always looking for the latest technology advances and trends.


Can learn with ease by myself, and I'm constantly researching on new technologies.


I enjoy teaching and collaborating with my peers, and I also like solving complex tasks on my own

Web development

Interactive with React, optimized with Next.js, responsiveness by ChakraUI and TailwindCSS

Smart contracts

Developing smart contracts with Solidity, Hardhat and Foundry for EVM compatible chains


My main language for frontend and backend, but I'm willing to learn new ones

And... I love cats! I enjoy practicing yoga, I prefer fans over air conditioners, sometimes I play chess, and I love a good coffee. Native Linux user, and I'm more informed on crypto than on world news.

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